Example of a program design flowchart showing key steps and relationships for the energy efficiency program in Greensboro, North Carolina.
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A sample RFP from Greensboro, North Carolina, for energy efficiency loan products.
This publication summarizes some of the incentives offered by Better Buildings Neighborhood Program partners.
This practitioner-focused Toolkit for Residential Energy Efficiency Upgrade Programs was created by Green For All to assist new, established, and future energy efficiency programs launch and scale initiatives that can deliver the full promise of the green economy. It is intended as a practical resource that offers examples, tools, and templates that a program manager can deploy to implement a variety of aspects of their program including best practice briefs and summary documents, RFPs, contracts, and other program design and implementation templates that communities nationwide have used to create their own efficiency programs.
This presentation provides an overview of the lending RFP issued by the city of Greensboro's Better Buildings Program, including a description of the roles and responsibilities for the city and its financial partners.
This market assessment evaluates lending options for funding energy efficiency upgrades in North Carolina.