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Delaware Sustainable Energy Utility
Publication Date
Organizations or Programs
Energize Delaware

This report consists of a literature review and in-depth interviews with subject matter experts in the Home Performance with ENERGY STAR (HPwES) program area. The goal was to compare Delaware Sustainable Energy Utility (DESEU) HPwES Programs with peer-programs across the United States. The report also identifies key metrics and emerging trends regarding program design.

Setting Baselines for Planning and Evaluation of Efficiency Programs

Robert G. Ozar, Michigan Public Service Commission,
Carmen Best, California Public Utilities Commission,
Jeff Harris, Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance
Publication Date

The key challenge with quantifying savings from end-use efficiency activities is the identification of an accurate baseline from which to determine the savings. Regardless of the protocol or procedure applied, all savings values are determined by estimating likely energy use in the absence of the program or project (the “counterfactual” scenario, or baseline). This webcast provides an introduction to considerations and common practices for defining baselines, the relationship between baselines and savings attribution, and examples of how different jurisdictions are addressing market baseline studies, setting baselines for retrofit measures, and market transformation program baselines.

Better Together: Linking and Leveraging Energy Programs for Low-Income Households

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Publication Date

This presentation includes a series of case studies to highlight effective efforts by state and local agencies, non-profits, and utilities to bring energy efficiency and renewable energy (EE/RE) to low-income households. It explores the topic of linking and leveraging EE/RE programs for limited-income households, including the need to coordinate with other energy assistance programs.

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Organizations or Programs
New Jersey Clean Energy Program

This study examined consumer awareness and opinions concerning the New Jersey Clean Energy Program (NJCEP). Research areas included New Jersey homeowners' awareness of NJCEP, an assessment of attitudes towards energy efficiency, the main benefits associated with energy efficiency, key drivers associated with purchasing energy efficient products, the best methods for increasing consumers awareness of NJCEP, and obstacles to implementing energy efficiency measures in the home.

Energize Phoenix
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Organizations or Programs
Energize Phoenix

This summary report provides scientific results, lessons learned, and recommendations for driving energy efficiency in existing buildings on an urban scale. It includes program marketing lesson learned, such as: personal outreach and call to action events are critical marketing opportunities.

Center for Energy Economic and Environmental Policy
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Organizations or Programs
New Jersey Clean Energy Program

This evaluation and research plan sets out a proposed process for establishing and executing a detailed evaluation and research plan for New Jersey's Clean Energy Program.

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Organizations or Programs
New Jersey Clean Energy Program

This memo provides a review of the New Jersey Comfort Partners Energy Saving Protocols, recommends changes to the calculations and additional calculation protocols for measures not included, and calculates engineering estimates for those proposed energy savings formulas.

Overview and Preliminary Results of ARRA-Funded SGIG Consumer Behavior Studies

State and Local Energy Efficiency Action Network
Publication Date

This webcast discusses the background for U.S. Department of Energy’s Smart Grid Investment Grant (SGIG) consumer behavior study effort; the various utilities who are participating and what they each plan to include their respective studies; the quantitative results and qualitative lessons learned thus far from these studies; and the types of research will be undertaken by LBNL over the next several years.

Mary Templeton, Michigan Saves,
George Clark, Energy Efficiency Contractor
Publication Date
Organizations or Programs
Michigan Saves
Overview of Michigan Saves' employer outreach initiative to drive uptake of home energy upgrades.
Cynthia Adams, Local Energy Alliance Program,
Larry Earegood, Consumers Energy (MI),
John Schott, NYSERDA,
Gavin Hastings, Arizona Public Service,
Emily Salzberg, Washington State University Energy,
Adam Buick, Community Power Works (WA),
Bob Knight, BKi
Publication Date
Organizations or Programs
Arizona Public Service (APS),
Community Power Works,
Energy Upgrade California,
Local Energy Alliance Program (LEAP),
Michigan Home Performance with ENERGY STAR,
New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA),
RePower Kitsap

Quick summaries of strategies various programs have used to improve the efficiency of delivering efficiency.

Rachael P Fredericks, PSE&G
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Organizations or Programs
Public Service Electric & Gas Company (PSE&G)

This presentation provides an overview of PSE&G's Multifamily Housing Program, highlighting drivers, incentive structure, results, and lessons learned.

Using Integrated Resource Planning to Encourage Investment in Cost-Effective Energy Efficiency Measures

State and Local Energy Efficiency Action Network
Publication Date

This webcast reviews the SEE Action report that describes how utility planning processes that allow demand-side resources to compete with supply-side resources can promote cost-effective energy efficiency.

Mary Templeton, BetterBuildings for Michigan
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Organizations or Programs
BetterBuildings for Michigan

Presentation on how Michigan Saves realigned its incentives to encourage more projects with significant energy savings potential.

Energize Phoenix
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Organizations or Programs
Energize Phoenix

This report provides results, lessons learned and recommendations for driving energy efficiency in existing building on an urban scale based on the second year of the Energize Phoenix energy efficiency program.

Mary Templeton, BetterBuildings for Michigan
Publication Date
Organizations or Programs
BetterBuildings for Michigan,
Michigan Saves
Presentation describing the State of Michigan and Michigan Saves programs and tactics used to drive demand and enhance service delivery to make the program simpler for customers.
Nikki Kuhn, Vermont Energy Investment Corporation
Publication Date
Organizations or Programs
Energize Phoenix,
Connecticut Neighbor to Neighbor Energy Challenge,
Local Energy Alliance Program (LEAP),
Long Island Power Authority (LIPA),
Efficiency Vermont
Presentation that focuses on grantee program-utility partnership models.
BetterBuildings for Michigan
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Organizations or Programs
BetterBuildings for Michigan
This report summarizes the results of five neighborhood sweeps, covering more than 2,000 households in Michigan.
Energize Phoenix
Publication Date
Organizations or Programs
Energize Phoenix

This report provides results, lessons learned and recommendations for driving energy efficiency in existing building on an urban scale based on the first year of the Energize Phoenix energy efficiency program.

Dimitrios Laloudakis, Energize Phoenix
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Organizations or Programs
Energize Phoenix
This presentation outlines the techniques for collecting and evaluating energy efficiency program evaluation data, including data related to marketing efforts.

Engaging Financial Institution Partners

U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date
Organizations or Programs
Community Energy Challenge,
Michigan Saves
This webcast provides guidance about the financial stakeholder engagement process and offers lessons from the field.

Leveraging Partnerships with Faith-Based Organizations

Rev. Fletcher Harper, GreenFaith,
Paul C. Raver, Jr., Green Market Solutions,
Alexis Chase, Georgia Interfaith Power & Light
Publication Date
Organizations or Programs
Georgia Interfaith Power & Light's Power Wise,
Maryland Home Performance with ENERGY STAR,
New Jersey Home Performance with ENERGY STAR,
PSE&G Whole House Energy Efficiency Program
This webcast explores how faith-based organizations and their partners have used energy efficiency as an organizing motivator to upgrade the institutional building and then members' homes.