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Navigant Consulting, Inc.
Publication Date

This study identifies actionable strategies and innovations to improve the multifamily program performance, realization rates, and overall program cost-effectiveness for both the residential and commercial sectors.

Navigant Consulting, Inc.,
ILLUME Advising, LLC
Publication Date

This report presents the results of the first‐year process and impact evaluation of Berkshire Gas' Home Energy Report (HER) program. The primary objective of the program is to provide residential households with information on their gas consumption and tips on how to save energy to prompt them to take action to reduce their natural gas usage.

NMR Group, Inc.
Publication Date
Organizations or Programs
United Illuminating,
Connecticut Home Energy Solutions (HES),
Mass Save,
National Grid,
Efficiency Maine,
Efficiency Vermont,
New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA)

This report identifies opportunities for Connecticut's Home Energy Solutions program (HES) to increase savings related to air sealing, duct sealing, and insulation.

The Cadmus Group, Inc.
Publication Date

The COOL SMART impact evaluation team conducted an in situ study of ductless mini‐split heat pumps (DMSHPs) in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. This report presents the consumption and savings analysis of the DMSHP study.

Navigant Consulting, Inc.,
ILLUME Advising, LLC
Publication Date

This report presents findings of a process evaluation of Cape Light Compact's Creating Awareness for Power Efficiency Initiative, which included in-depth interviews with 27 customers of varying participation levels. It also includes the results of an impact evaluation using econometric analysis to estimate savings.

Presentation on the Energy Efficiency Reporting Tool for Public Power Utilities

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
American Public Power Association
Publication Date

This presentation discusses the energy efficiency reporting tool for public power utilities. The tool is an Excel-based template is designed to produce consistent, useful metrics on program investments and performance for small to medium-sized administrators of public power efficiency programs.

Navigant Consulting, Inc.,
ILLUME Advising, LLC
Publication Date
Organizations or Programs
National Grid,

This report summarizes the impact analyses of National Grid's and Eversource Energy's Home Energy Report (HER) programs. The evaluation team conducted three distinct impact analyses related to these HER programs: Cohort-Specific Impact Analysis; Mapping Analysis; and Dual Treatment Analysis.

Using Deemed Savings and Technical Reference Manuals for Efficiency Programs and Projects

Tina Jayaweera, Northwest Power and Conservation Council,
Jennifer Easler, Iowa Attorney General's Office,
Chuck Rea, MidAmerican Energy Company
Publication Date

Applying well documented stipulated (deemed) values is a common practice for determining the savings from energy efficiency projects and programs and the databases where such deemed values are cataloged are called Technical Reference Manuals (TRMs). This webcast introduces the use of deemed savings, information on setting up and updating TRMs, lessons learned, and resources for state officials. As examples, speakers discuss the content and development processes used for the Northwest regional TRM and the Iowa state TRM.

TecMarket Works
Publication Date

This evaluation plan for the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission includes a market assessment framework which includes indicators of progress toward market transformation; evaluation recommendations for the 2015-2016 program implementation period; and a 6-year evaluation plan for each program or customer sector.

Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance
Publication Date
Organizations or Programs
Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance (SEEA)

This report presents the impact evaluation conducted of the 13 programs in the Southeast Consortium Better Buildings Neighborhood Program (BBNP).

Andrea Petzel, Community Power Works
Publication Date
Organizations or Programs
Community Power Works
This presentation discusses the new approach to training that Seattle's Community Power Works program is using to support its high-road workforce agreement.
Kellie Stickney, SustainableWorks
Publication Date
Organizations or Programs
Presentation on the SustainableWorks non-profit general contractor model for supporting energy upgrades in Washington state and lessons learned for implementing a whole house approach.
Elise Avers, Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources
Publication Date
Organizations or Programs
Mass Save
Presentation that describes the successful elements of the Massachusetts HEAT loan program, including how it is funded and who is eligible.
The Cadmus Group, Inc.
Publication Date

Pacific Power contracted with The Cadmus Group, Inc., to conduct impact and process evaluations of its Washington low-income weatherization program for the program period extending from March 2009 through February 2011. The impact evaluation assessed energy savings and cost-effectiveness associated with the program, and in doing so quantified select non-energy benefits. The process evaluation assessed program delivery and efficacy, potential bottlenecks, opportunities for improvements, and participants’ experiences and satisfaction with the program.

Washington State University Energy Program
Publication Date
Organizations or Programs
Seattle Community Power Works

Evaluation reports from the Seattle Community Power Works program. The city of Seattle worked to encourage efficiency upgrades for single-family and multi-family residences, small businesses, hospitals, and large commercial and municipal buildings.

Washington State University Energy Program
Publication Date

This mid-program evaluation includes extensive analysis of program sectors, including results of surveys of participants, and summarizes lessons learned to date.

Washington State University Energy Program
Publication Date
Organizations or Programs
Community Power Works
This mid-program evaluation includes extensive analysis of program sectors, including results of surveys of participants, and summarizes lessons learned to date.
Suzanne Russo, Pecan Street Project Inc.
Publication Date
Headquartered at The University of Texas at Austin, Pecan Street Inc. is a research and development organization focused on developing and testing advanced technology, business model and customer behavior surrounding advanced energy management systems. Their flagship effort is the Pecan Street Demonstration Project that began in an Austin community. This presentation discusses collecting and using data to assess and improve the Pecan Street Project.