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U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date

This case study features New York City Energy Efficiency Corporation (NYCEEC), a member that focuses on financing energy efficiency and clean energy upgrades for multifamily buildings in the city and surrounding communities.

REEO Multifamily Energy Efficiency Retrofits: Barriers and Opportunities Webinar

Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance,
Southwest Energy Efficiency Project,
Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance,
South-central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource,
Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships, Inc.
Publication Date
Organizations or Programs
Michigan Saves,
ConEdison’s Brooklyn Queens Demand Management Program,
Florida's Multifamily Energy Retrofit Program,
Set the PACE St. Louis,
City of Chicago,
Energy Outreach Colorado,
Massachusetts Low-Income Multifamily Energy Retrofit Program

This webinar covers the Multifamily Energy Efficiency Retrofits: Barriers and Opportunities for Deep Energy Savings report published in 2016.n

A Field Guide to Utility-Run Behavior Programs: Making Sense of Variety

State and Local Energy Efficiency Action Network
Publication Date
Organizations or Programs
Efficiency Vermont

This webcast covers a report that is a comparative analysis of utility-run behavior programs, which lays the groundwork for further program development by developing a classification scheme, or taxonomy, that sorts programs into discrete categories.

Overview and Preliminary Results of ARRA-Funded SGIG Consumer Behavior Studies

State and Local Energy Efficiency Action Network
Publication Date

This webcast discusses the background for U.S. Department of Energy’s Smart Grid Investment Grant (SGIG) consumer behavior study effort; the various utilities who are participating and what they each plan to include their respective studies; the quantitative results and qualitative lessons learned thus far from these studies; and the types of research will be undertaken by LBNL over the next several years.

Using Integrated Resource Planning to Encourage Investment in Cost-Effective Energy Efficiency Measures

State and Local Energy Efficiency Action Network
Publication Date

This webcast reviews the SEE Action report that describes how utility planning processes that allow demand-side resources to compete with supply-side resources can promote cost-effective energy efficiency.

U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date
Organizations or Programs
ShopSmart with JEA

In this video interview segment, Bruce Doeuck of JEA ShopSmart in Jacksonville, Florida, discusses the importance of building relationships with financial institutions.

Clean Energy Program Funding: EPA Local Climate and Webcast Series

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Publication Date
Organizations or Programs
Green Works Orlando,
Community Energy Challenge,
Home Energy Affordability Loan (HEAL)

Three-part webinar series. Part I discusses how to design and implement funding programs, line up partners, and gain support for clean energy programs through both conventional and non-conventional methods. Part II discusses how to locate available sources of funding. Part III explains how to leverage existing funds and make clean energy investments more affordable for clean energy program audiences.

U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date
Organizations or Programs
Efficiency Vermont

In this video interview segment, Emily Levin of Vermont Energy Investment Corporation talks about how there is no silver bullet and its about creating a new industry, which takes time.

Part I: Getting Started: Answering Big Picture Funding Questions

Neelam Patel, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
Pat McGuckin, The Cadmus Group, Inc.,
Richard Dooley, Arlington County, Virginia,
Shawn Collins, Opportunity Council,
Alex Ramel, Sustainable Connections
Publication Date
Organizations or Programs
Community Energy Challenge,
Green Works Orlando

This webcast (Part I of a three-part series) covers the big picture questions that local governments should consider for funding clean energy programs. What resources are available? What are the program priorities? How can these programs pay for themselves? What funding is available? The webinar guides local governments through these and other questions in the context of their own unique circumstances and illustrates the concepts through case studies that explore how local governments have used both conventional and unconventional methods to gain support, line up partners, and design and implement their funding programs.