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Consumers Energy
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Organizations or Programs
Consumers Energy

The Energy Efficiency Learning Center offers a selection of trainings and resources to enhance participation in utility energy efficiency programs. It allows users to undertake trainings on the latest home performance standards and best practices on their own schedule.

U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date
Organizations or Programs
Michigan Saves,
BeSmart Maryland

This summary from a Better Buildings Residential Network peer exchange call focused on how loan performance data is tracked and analyzed, and what the data shows.

American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy
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Organizations or Programs

This report describes ACEEE's Deep South Ethnographic Project, which aimed to answer an overarching question: are end-users of energy in the Southeastern states interested in energy efficiency? This report includes the demographics of ACEEE's informants and responses to a set of questions about energy usage, bills, and money. The report also includes individual case studies from five different sites.

U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date
Organizations or Programs
Local Energy Alliance Program (LEAP),
BetterBuildings for Michigan

This peer exchange call summary focused on how programs are devising plans for creating a contractor revenue stream and potential fee structures.

How to Design a Community Energy Alliance

Ben Taube and Jolyn Newton, Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance,
Eric Mackres, American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy
Publication Date
Organizations or Programs
City of Decatur Kilowatt Crackdown,
Community Energy Challenge,
Go Green Nashville,
Local Energy Alliance Program (LEAP)
Webcast on how to design a community energy alliance.