Successful residential energy efficiency programs repeat messages often to inform potential participants about program offerings. As marketing gurus note, most people need to be exposed to a message at least three times times and on separate occasions before taking action. The more time between communications, the less likely the customer will follow up on your program offerings. Some programs achieved repetition by coordinating their marketing strategies with partners; potential customers would then hear consistent messages multiple times from different communication channels and sources.
Following are examples of programs that motivated their customers to act by repeating messages multiple times. Read more about how these strategies worked in the Better Buildings Residential Program Solutions Center.
Promote Events With a Multi-Pronged Approach
NOLA WISE (New Orleans, Louisiana, Worthwhile Investments Save Energy) used three different channels—advertising, “earned” media, and grassroots outreach to communicate about its homeowner showcases of energy efficiency improvements installed by satisfied customers. Specifically, NOLA WISE repeated its messaging through electronic newsletters, outreach to local media, social media, neighborhood canvassing, and collaboration with nearby neighborhood associations.
Hit the Airwaves With Radio Ads
To promote its residential direct install (RDI) program, Efficiency Maine combined radio advertising with strategically placed web banners, print, and movie theater advertising to reach customers with repeat messages. Demand from the radio ads became so heavy that Efficiency Maine was able to halt marketing and rely on word-of-mouth referrals for new RDI customers.
Advertise in Phases
Philadelphia's EnergyWorks had a multi-phased advertising plan: the first phase timed radio and weather website ads to coincide with specific weather conditions; the second used print, online, and regional rail marketing materials; and the third emphasized the value and comfort of energy upgrades.
Tell Me More
Discover more insights on how to repeat messages multiple times by visiting the Marketing & Outreach – Deliver Program handbook for step-by-step instructions and program examples.
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