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U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date
Organizations or Programs
TC Saves,
Efficiency Maine,
Community Power Works

This summary from a Better Buildings Residential Network peer exchange call focused on key challenges and opportunities to deploy neighborhood energy programs. Speakers include the City of Orlando, SEEDS, and Research Into Action, Inc.

U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date
Organizations or Programs
Efficiency Maine,
Michigan Saves

This summary from a Better Buildings Residential Network peer exchange call focused on how recent policy changes have impacted residential energy efficiency program implementation. Speakers include Efficiency Maine, Michigan Environmental Council, and Groundwork Center for Resilient Communities.

Efficiency Maine
Publication Date
Organizations or Programs
Efficiency Maine

Year in review annual report which includes program data and success stories.

U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date
Organizations or Programs
Austin Energy,
Efficiency Maine

This summary from a Better Buildings Residential Network peer exchange call focused on types of incentives.

U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date
Organizations or Programs
Energy Impact Illinois,
Connecticut Neighbor to Neighbor Energy Challenge

This summary from a Better Buildings Residential Network peer exchange call focused on the advantages and challenges of data tracking systems.

Efficiency Maine
Publication Date
Organizations or Programs
Efficiency Maine
A short, checklist-style form that contractors complete to participate in Efficiency Maine. The form allows contractors to verify whether they meet basic program requirements, identify their specialized service offerings and qualifications, and describe other information about their businesses.
U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date
Organizations or Programs
Efficiency Maine

This summary from a Better Buildings Residential Network peer exchange call focused on choosing and developing program evaluation.

U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date
Organizations or Programs
Denver Energy Challenge,
Energy Impact Illinois

This summary from a Better Buildings Residential Network peer exchange call focused on using social media for long-term branding and marketing.

Efficiency Maine
Publication Date
Organizations or Programs
Efficiency Maine

Efficiency Maine developed this online portal, where many of its program forms are available for download (e.g., program overviews and manuals, participation agreements, and related application materials).

U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date
Organizations or Programs
Efficiency Maine,
Indianapolis Better Buildings Program,

This summary from a Better Buildings Residential Network peer exchange call focused on gathering and communicating loan performance data.

U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date
Organizations or Programs
Austin Energy,
Efficiency Maine

This peer exchange call summary focused on moving from assessments to upgrades in multifamily buildings.

U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date
Organizations or Programs
Efficiency Maine

This summary from a Better Buildings Residential Network peer exchange call focused on the features and eligibility of the PowerSaver Loan Program. 

RePower Program
Publication Date
Organizations or Programs
RePower Kitsap,
RePower Bainbridge,
RePower Bremerton
This is an application form for contractors (trade allies) interested in participating in the RePower Program of Kitsap County, Washington. The form describes the benefits and requirements for participating contractors, and allows contractors to identify the specific services they offer.
U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date
Organizations or Programs
Efficiency Maine,
BetterBuildings for Michigan

This peer exchange call summary focused on sales training assistance programs for contractors.

U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date
Organizations or Programs
Neighborworks H.E.A.T Squad,
RePower Bainbridge

This peer exchange call summary focused on the challenges, benefits, quality assurance methods and incorporation of do-it-yourself projects into programs.

U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date
Organizations or Programs
RePower Bainbridge

This peer exchange call summary focused on best practices, entry points, strategies and challenges of program integration and participation in utility planning efforts.

Peter Ludwig, CNT Energy
Publication Date
Organizations or Programs
Energy Impact Illinois
Presentation that provides an overview of the Energy Savers Program (Illinois), including services, benefits, and success stories.
Efficiency Maine
Publication Date
Organizations or Programs
Efficiency Maine
This presentation from Efficiency Maine shows early adopters and higher income residents tend to take advantage of large incentives, but smaller incentives may be a way to engage a broader range of income levels.
RePower Bainbridge
Publication Date
Organizations or Programs
RePower Kitsap,
RePower Bainbridge,
RePower Bremerton
The RePower programs in Washington State convened local community leaders, organizations, contractors, and program partners for a planning summit to consider the benefits and challenges of different business models for the post-grant period. Participants considered four models: non-profit organization, utility, county or city government, and private sector.
U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date
Organizations or Programs
EmPower New York,
New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA),
Long Island Green Homes,
Energy Impact Illinois,
CNT Energy

This peer exchange call summary focused on leveraging effective partnerships for multi-family and low-income outreach and service delivery.

U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date
Organizations or Programs
Energy Impact Illinois

This peer exchange call summary focused on strategies, challenges and opportunities in working with condominium owners and associations.

U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date
Organizations or Programs
Energy Impact Illinois,
Local Energy Alliance Program (LEAP)

This peer exchange call summary focused on the strategies, challenges and key interaction points with the real estate sector.

U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date
Organizations or Programs
BetterBuildings for Michigan,
Community Power Works,
Connecticut Neighbor to Neighbor Energy Challenge,
Efficiency Maine,
Energize Bedford,
Energize Phoenix,
EnergySmart Colorado,
Energy Upgrade California,
Greater Cincinnati Energy Alliance (GCEA),
Green Madison,
BetterBuildings Lowell Energy Upgrade,
Milwaukee Energy Efficiency (Me2),
Missouri Agricultural Energy Saving Team - A Revolutionary Opportunity (MAESTRO),
NeighborWorks H.E.A.T. Squad,
New Hampshire BetterBuildings,
New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA),
RePower Kitsap,
RePower Bainbridge,
RePower Bremerton

This presentation includes the brands, website addresses, and images for most of the Better Buildings Neighborhood Program partners.

U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date
Organizations or Programs
Indianapolis Better Buildings Program,
RePower Kitsap,
RePower Bainbridge,
RePower Bremerton

This peer exchange call summary focused on what energy efficiency programs are doing to target low- and moderate-income households.

RePower Bainbridge
Publication Date
Organizations or Programs
RePower Kitsap,
RePower Bainbridge,
RePower Bremerton
This presentation explores the community-based social marketing aspects of RePower Bainbridge and includes insights on knowing your audience, market barriers, and leverage opportunities.
U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date
Organizations or Programs
Cambridge Energy Alliance,
Energy Impact Illinois,
Energy Upgrade California

This presentation summarizes the market research that was performed by various Better Buildings Neighborhood Program partners.